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Specializing in Anxiety, Depression and Trauma Treatment for Adolescents and Adults

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We have all experienced anxiety, nervousness and worries.  This is a normal part of life.  People with anxiety disorders have a hard time letting go of their worries, and being able to move on to more productive and pleasant thoughts and feelings.  Someone with an anxiety disorder tends to get stuck in negative thought patterns and behaviors.  Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) mindfulness, and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) are useful tools for freeing clients from these negative patterns and behaviors.  This type of therapy can give clients more control over how they approach situations, how they think about experiences, and how they act in all parts of their lives.


Everyone has some days when they are down or sad.   When someone experiences extreme sadness (sadness that lasts more days than not, for over two weeks) they may be depressed.  Symptoms of depression include sleeping too much, or not enough, changes in appetite, low levels of motivation or desire to do things one normally does, thoughts of self harm, and for some people, thoughts of suicide.  Someone who is depressed likely feels overwhelmed and has a hard time completing activities, and may isolate from family and friends.  Therapy is a useful tool in combating depression, and improving the symptoms and negative thought patterns that are associated with depression.


Trauma is defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience.  People react to trauma in different ways, and some experience a delayed response.  A traumatic experience can be a big event that others recognize as trauma, or can be a smaller experience that feels traumatic to the individual.  Either way, a traumatic experience can have psychological effects that persist for a long time after the trauma occurred.  These symptoms can include intrusive memories, distressing dreams, feelings of distress, physical reactions, problems concentrating, sleep disturbance, and other changes in behavior and emotions.  Starting therapy, and talking about your experiences, can help relieve these symptoms.  Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapeutic technique that has helped countless people leave distressing symptoms of trauma behind. 

Child and Adolescent Therapy
Adolescent Therapy

At times adolescents need their own space to talk through things that are happening in their lives.  They may be experiencing depression, anxiety, or a have had a traumatic experience.  Parents may want assistance in managing behavioral issues that arise at home.  With therapy, I help adolescents develop the tools they need to manage their emotions, and handle the situations going on in their lives. 

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